среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

big o mp3 and forever

Dear Apprentice,

Do not underestimate the value of sleep as a tool of the craft.


1. Give over to your subconscious. Your subconscious or backbrain is one of the best tools you have. Itapos;s working all the time (and I mean all the time) building worlds, sifting characters, nuttering details. (This is why you will get an idea while sitting at a stoplight. While youapos;ve been driving, your subconscious has been working.)

Your subconscious works best at night, when you conscious brain is asleep. This is why you dream. While you doze, your backbrain will murmur happily to itself over the input of the previous day. It doesnapos;t mind taking a break from all the input it receives when youapos;re awake, and may even return stuff back to you.

Having problems with plot/char/whatever? Donapos;t try and force an idea. Go sleep on it and let your backbrain sort out the facts.

2. Clear your slate. Sometimes we have an idea in our head, and we develop it and can see it in all its glory. Then we write some of it down, failing to realise that we may have missed some important detail. The brain is like that. Itapos;ll automatically fill in the gaps and correct little mistakes, you konw, lkie taht fnuny ltitle emial taht goes arnoud syanig, "Can you raed tihs?"

By sleeping, youapos;ll clear out all those fine, glorious details from your short-term memory. Then you can look at your work with fresh eyes the next morning and truly see the gaps.

3. Reset the olapos; brain chemistry. Sleep rests your physical body and resets your brain chemistry. Brains work better after having had a bit of rest. Thinking takes a lot of energy. The brain needs downtime to rejuvinate. Ideas flow better to a well-rested brain.

So, dear apprentice, when I tell you to go sleep on something, I mean exactly that. Take good care of your tools, respect them, and they will serve you well. Stop trying to force your brain to come up with a solution and get some rest. Chances are your problem will sort itself out in the morning.

The Journeyman.
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